Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Nerves in the way?

The stage lights are shining brightly down. Every eye in the audience is focused on me. With microphone in hand, an odd feeling fills my stomach. Suddenly my hands start to get a bit shaky and my forehead becomes moist. "What is happening to me?" I may ask myself. The answer is NERVES.

It is common for vocalists to get nervous before a performance. In fact, a good amount of nerves will help the vocalist push themselves and do their best while performing. When nerves become a problem is when they get out of hand and begin to take control of the singer.

But how can a singer not let their nerves take charge? It seems as if the nerves are the boss right? Personally, what helps me the most when I want to lessen my nerves is when I phych myself up. I say things in my mind to myself like, "You totally got this" and "You own this song". I also always take deep breaths, filling the very bottom of my diaphram with fresh air. Those two hints are my favorites and have helped me do my best while singing solos.

Another helpful hint to calm nerves would be to BE PREPARED. By rehearsing many times beforehand, you gain a confidence that you can do it because you had heard yourself do it so many times beforehand. It is also good to visualize beforehand, yourself performing well.

Click here for some more tips about how to relax before singing.

Really take these tips to heart if you struggle with your nerves getting in the way of what you can do. And remember: sing to EXPRESS, not to IMPRESS.