Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Let the Music Begin!

Some believe that singing is simple and basic. Others may say that the voice is not an instrument and that it requires little effort. Anyone who takes the time to study about the singing voice would find that those beliefs are wrong. As an instrument, the voice needs training and practice. It can constantly improve. Vocal music can become life changing if it is given the chance. Through personal experience, I know that that is true. As a young girl, standing on a small stage, I sang my first solo. That day, something special happened. A seed was planted inside me. That seed was my love for music and it has grown and blossomed as life has continued on. Music has been a major factor of shaping who I am today.
With this blog, I wish to share my love for vocal music, give helpful hints to my fellow singers, keep others updated on vocal news, and much more! Let the music begin!